My clients experience...

  • Nagging Pain

    Do you have a nagging pain or medically undiagnosed and unexplained condition?

  • Poor Results

    Have you spent a lot of money going from one doctor or specialist to the next without any positive results?

  • Doctors Don't Believe You

    Do doctors tell you, “It’s all in your head”? or “We can’t find anything wrong?”

  • Lots of Tests

    Are your tests coming back “negative” but you’re still in pain?

  • Exhausted by Therapy

    Are you exhausted from therapy that doesn’t feel like it’s working

Do you sometimes think...

  • "I’ve tried changing my diet, stretching, reading books and countless other things – but nothing works."

  • "No matter what I try, from changing my diet to stretching nothing seems to make a difference?"

  • “Maybe I’ll always be anxious or depressed?”

  • “I’m so tired of journaling! I’ve explored my issues in so many ways, but it doesn’t make a difference.”

  • “I guess this is as good as it gets, and I’m stuck with chronic pain or condition doctors can’t treat.”

What's in the course?

    1. Introduction: Overview of the Course

    2. How To Get The Best Out Of The Course

    1. Module 1: Connecting The Dots

    1. Module 2: The Consciousness Experiment

    2. Module 2: Personal Example

    3. Module 2: Directions

    4. The Consciousness Experiment

    1. Module 3: Overview

    2. Module 3: The Integrity Tone Scale

    3. Module 3: Lesson 1: Stop Pretending

    4. Module 3: Lesson 2: Tell the Truth

    5. Module 3: Lesson 3: Develop Trust

    6. Module 3: Lesson 4: Results

    7. Module 3: Lesson 5: Communicate Everything Germane

    8. Module 3: Lesson 6: Important Conversations

    9. Module 3: Lesson 7: Integrity

    10. Module 3: Lesson 8: Symptom Lessons

    11. Module 3: Bonus Exercise

    12. Module 3: Recap

    1. Module 4: Letters

    2. Module 4: Rewrite

    3. Module 4: Recap

    1. Module 5: Overview

    2. Module 5: Cost/Benefit

    3. Module 5: Extras For Next Exercise

    4. Module 5: Practice and Practices

    5. Module 5: Bonus

About this course

  • $440.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content


I’m Dr. Serena Sterling and I’ve been helping people just like you solve their pain problems for more than 15 years.

I’ve taken the most effective secrets I’ve learned and packaged them up for you in this self-paced online course – complete with videos and the same exercises I share with my private coaching clients.
Dr Serena Sterling

This is not just another program where you learn the basics of how our thoughts and feelings affect our physical and emotional health.

You’ll discover how to uncover the stories and reactions you’ve buried and how to go about expressing what you need to say in a positive manner to the person or people from who you’ve been holding back.

Every module has one or more exercises to go along with the concepts being taught.

There are bonus exercises with extra journal prompts, movies, or books to watch, or other variables to accelerate your healing.

Those who complete the course and do the work will:

  • Gain a deep understanding of how people, places, events, and experiences shape your reality and impact how you feel.
  • Become more aware of the relationships you thought were insignificant and inconsequential to your issues.
  • Begin to connect the dots and recognize when you feel a certain emotion and don’t say anything or when you react to what someone says or does and how that feels emotionally.
  • Discern when your boundaries are being crossed and become aware of your reactions.
  • Develop awareness of whether you speak up for yourself or shut down, and the effect that has on your body and your mind.
  • Explore what it means to live from a place of integrity and how that sets you up for success in all relationships.
  • Get an exact method of being able to know what you’re thinking and how it’s making you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally.
  • Build trust in yourself to have tough conversations and say what you’ve been holding in.
  • Have the exact words to say to have the conversations you’ve been avoiding.

We cover 4 main areas:

The course combines theories from psychology, the human potential movement, transpersonal psychology, energy medicine and energy psychology, and stress illness (aka psychophysiologic disorders, Tension Myositis Syndrome, Psychosomatic Medicine).

  • Identifying the relationships at the root of your issue.

  • Knowing how your thoughts and feelings affect your mind and body.

  • Understanding integrity, what it means to live and communicate from this place.

  • Creating a conducive container for having difficult conversations.

This isn’t just about symptom relief.

It’s about identifying the cause so that you can heal more deeply and develop these mind body tools so that if other issues arise, you’ll be able to resolve those as well.

Many doctors will often say that a condition arises spontaneously when they can’t figure out a cause. But most doctors rarely ask about stress levels, types of stress, how you’re eating and sleeping, and what kind of support system you do or don’t have.

If you’ve been told by doctors that your issue has no known cause AND they don’t have any answers for you regarding what to do about it, this course will help you identify the underlying root cause most doctors often miss.

Meet Dr. Serena Sterling

I help people with physical and emotional pain feel better fast.

I never set out to study psychology, the human potential movement, or mind body healing modalities. But everything changed for me on 9/11/2001.

I was always interested in learning how to feel better in my mind and body, how I could adopt different ways of perceiving my reality to improve my relationships, and how understanding the stories we tell ourselves can sometimes hinder our growth.

But life led me to these fields. Before moving to NYC to work at Spirituality & Health magazine, I had been getting increasingly tired. I chalked it up to the lousy weather in London where I was studying for a master’s in international journalism.

However, something within me knew that there was something else I yearned to do yet I had no idea what.

Fast forward a few months to September 2001. I settled in nicely to my new job as assistant editor when my professional honeymoon came to a screeching halt.

Stuck in the subway at Wall Street station on 9/11, as the first tower collapsed just a few blocks away, I didn’t know it at the time but my whole life and career trajectory began to change.

I would have to struggle with even worse fatigue and a medical doctor who was no help and who told me to just “Live with it” before I made a 180 personally and professionally.

It was through finding a holistic doctor and experiencing a remarkable recovery that propelled me onto my current path.

Identifying and releasing emotions from the trauma of 9/11 allowed me to fully heal both the fatigue and all the pent up fear, anger, and sadness. I was fascinated by how this was possible and switched gears to pursue a doctorate in clinical psychology.

That wasn’t enough though. In order to deeply heal and quickly find the cause of people’s issues, I needed to learn advanced mind body stress reduction techniques like the one my doctor in NYC had used with me.

From there, I kept pursuing modalities that resonated with me and my own growth and which also benefitted my clients.

With over 25 years of study in the fields of clinical psychology, clinical supervision and training in psychology, energy medicine, the human potential movement, other forms of consciousness, and mind body healing modalities, as well as my own personal experiences of developing and treating chronic fatigue syndrome and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, I feel I am uniquely qualified to assist you on this journey to health and healing.

I wish I had these tools when I was younger. It wasn’t until my early 20s that I started seeking answers and learning other ways to think and feel.

Had I known about even one or two of the lessons presented in this course, it would have saved me a lot of heartache and frustration. It would have contributed to better relationships with many friends and family members.

In developing this course, I considered the most salient tools I teach my clients, which have been proven to help them feel better fast.

This course is packed with concepts targeted at looking at what’s getting in your way of feeling better.

You’ll discover other forms for communicating your fears and desires.

You’ll also be able to pinpoint where and when you get stuck moving forward on your healing journey and will have new ways of overcoming these blocks.

Why not pop a pill or get surgery?

You could do that and many of the people who find me have already tried that, but it didn’t make them any better.

The mind and body are completely linked. You can’t have one without the other.

When you wake up from a nightmare in a cold sweat and your heart is racing, that is the mind body connection at play. You responded to something in your mind as if it was real, and your body reacted accordingly.

Ok, but you don’t have nightmares every night. Maybe (and hopefully) not but this plays out in your waking life too, it just looks different. Seeing the body’s reaction to the mind isn’t always as clear as waking up from a nightmare.

Imagine that every day at work, your boss yells at you for tiny mistakes. You never know when he or she will be mad. You start to dread going to work. On the commute there, you feel knots in your stomach or you might hear a ringing in your ears. On the commute home, those symptoms aren’t present.

Taking a pill or opting for surgery could alleviate the discomfort but it’s not addressing the cause which is the ill-tempered boss. That means that those symptoms, which are physical manifestations in response to anxiety will return.

If you’re after true, lasting relief for your issues and you want to understand how to replicate this for possible future issues, then this course is for you.

My purpose in life is to inspire others to heal and believe in themselves.

I’m passionate about helping others live their best lives and learn how to heal their minds and bodies. If you feel called to join me and feel I can assist you on your journey to health and healing, I welcome you to take this course.